Joyful Journey


Name/theme of Camp: Joyful Journey Dance Retreat

Location: Joyful Journey Hot Springs, San Luis Valley, CO

Nearest Airports: Alamosa, CO; or Denver if you can drive a few hours

Time of Year: The closest weekend (Thurs-Sunday) to March 12 that's possible (that's Bernie and Sky's shared birthday)

Weather: Cold, and it can snow; but we're inside for all group gatherings.

Who Attends: People from our intermountain west community (Montana through Colorado, Arizona, NM and Utah) as well as the Midwest and sometimes people from further away.

Accommodations: Lodging (rooms, yurts) onsite, onsite camping with electricity available, motels and b'n'bs commuting distance away.

Special Considerations: Breakfasts and dinners are included for onsite lodgers. Wi-fi at the site.

Special Features: Soaking in well maintained hot springs pools. We invite leaders into the center throughout the camp. Other features: Usually a talented musicians' circle; Thursday morning check in circle; sometimes a clothing exchange and bazaar. Group dinners.

Contact: Jennifer Stock, (303) 433-1991 or

Website/Facebook Page/etc.: Dances of Universal Peace Canyonlands Camp and More (FB); (website)

Camp Write-Up: This is an easy, fun retreat and the location is gorgeous.


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